Sedation dentistry helps keep you comfortable during dental appointments. Dental sedation is beneficial if you are affected by dental anxiety or scheduled for multiple procedures simultaneously. The options for conscious sedation dentistry include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation. The dentist in Richmond Hill treating you must have certification to provide forms of sedation dentistry.
Sedation dentistry helps calm your nerves to make you feel relaxed and at ease during dental procedures. The level of sedation is moderate to ensure you are technically awake and responsive but entirely relaxed. Occasionally it is called conscious sedation dentistry because it creates short-term amnesia, where you experience insensitivity to pain without losing consciousness.
People with dental anxiety and reluctance to visit dentists even for routine exams and cleanings are candidates for sedation dentistry. In addition, dentists often recommend dental sedation for patients with dental anxiety, sensitive gag reflex, fear of dental visits, needles, excessive teeth sensitivity, decreased anesthesia sensitivity, challenges controlling movements, and special needs.
Anyone receiving conscious sedation dentistry requires minimal preparation besides inquiring with the dentist about the version of sedation they will receive. Some versions do not require any preparation besides arranging an appointment with the dentist for a specific treatment.
Patients receiving minimal sedation will express a euphoric feeling when they receive the sedation to calm their nerves and go through the dental treatment without fearing the noises or smells of the dental office.
Patients needing procedures like tooth extractions, root canals, or gum flap surgery will benefit from conscious sedation dentistry, which dentists prescribe to take an hour before their appointment. Patients arrive at the dentist’s office fully relaxed but awake to receive the treatment without fear. Conscious sedation dentistry ensures patients feel they are in the dentist’s chair for a few minutes, even after spending an hour or two in the chair.
Patients needing full mouth rehabilitation or extensive smile makeovers benefit from conscious sedation because it helps them remain entirely relaxed during their procedures without experiencing discomfort or fear at the dentist’s office.
Children fearful of dental visits also benefit from conscious sedation because the dentist suggests giving children oral medications to ingest before their appointment. However, except for routine exams and cleanings, most patients need local anesthesia to block pain impulses from the affected tooth or gums injected directly into their mouths after they are sedated. Fortunately, patients don’t experience the injectable because of the sedatives they receive before arriving at the dental practice.
Although they remain fully sedated during dental procedures, they are also responsive to queries by the dentist and can be awakened by a gentle nudge for their safety and cooperation.
Varying levels of sedation dentistry are used depending on your unique needs. The dentist considers your anxiety level, the duration of your procedure, your medical history and your personal preferences when they discuss this option with you for relaxation. The familiar forms of sedation dentistry include the following:
The optimal way to overcome dental anxiety is to discuss conscious sedation dentistry in Richmond Hill, ON, with the dentist explaining your fears without hesitation and requesting dental sedation for your appointment. The dentist determines the level of sedation you need after discussing your medical history and personal preferences and considering your level of dental anxiety. They also provide instructions on preparing for your treatment and deliver after-care instructions depending on the version of sedatives you will receive for your procedure. However, conscious sedation dentistry eases your fears of the dentist, enabling you to receive minor or significant dental treatments without the all-too-common dental phobia.
If you fear dental visits, Richmond Dental Care can help you overcome your dental anxiety by suggesting conscious sedation dentistry. Discuss your fears with them as soon as possible instead of neglecting essential dental care to need extensive treatments later.
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